(i) pending approval of corrective measures to control or remedy existing radioactive contamination not already authorised by an authorisation; (b) the initially proposed registration of an ionizing radiation generating machine operating with a kilovoltage potential (kVc) greater than 200 in an open beam configuration. R313-17-2(1)(b) does not apply to ionizing radiation production machines used in the art of healing. You can download a compressed (compressed) format of the full set of rules or view it online in the sections below: Those interested in the rules relating to the use of X-ray machines are invited to read the relevant parts of Rules R313-12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 28, 30, 35 and 70. (F) a change in engineering design, construction or process controls that is most likely to result in a person receiving a higher total effective dose equivalent or an increase in the annual quantity of radioactive releases to the environment; The Department of Radiation Protection is the Ministry`s agent responsible for enforcing these rules. The objective of these regulations is to derive maximum benefits from the use of radiation sources while minimizing risks. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to know the technical factors and understand their relative importance. Ministry staff need solid foundational training and a training program to be able to effectively enforce these rules. The Department is dedicated to minimizing unproductive exposure to radiation to humans and reducing unnecessary releases of radioactive substances into the environment. The Radiation Control Act, Title 19 of Chapter 3 of the Utah Code, gives the Department of Environmental Quality`s Radiation Control Board the authority to make rules to protect the public and the environment from significant radiation sources. The Board established these rules to develop a comprehensive radiation control program in the state of Utah. Although limits are set for maximum permissible doses and concentrations, the policy is that radiation levels and exposure from all radiation sources be reduced to as low as reasonably achievable. Serious efforts must be made to minimize radiation exposure and the release of radioactive substances from effluents into non-regulated areas.
The agenda for the board meeting included: a call to order; Approval of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of 10. December 2015 (Council action item); Update of underground storage tanks; Hazardous Waste Regulations, including permission to implement official regulations and a 30-day public comment period for proposed Hazardous Waste Regulations R315-103, R315-124, R315-260, R315-261, R315-262, R315-263, R315-264, R315-265, R315-266, R315-268, R315-270 and R315-273 (Commission action item) and permission to continue with official rules and the 30-day public comment period to repeal the hazardous waste requirements R315-1, R315-2, R315-3, R315-4, R315-5, R315-6, R315-7, R315-8, R315-9, R315-12, R315-13, R315-14, R315-16 and R315-50 (Action Item by the Board); presentation of the X-ray program; other matters, including another briefing article and the next Board meeting; and adjournment. (a) a major authorization measure proposed for licence classes 2b and c, 4a, b, c, d and 6 referred to in section R313-70-7. 1. The Director shall make public and give him the opportunity to comment on: (D) an increase in treatment, storage or disposal capacity. The WMRC Board Summary for the proposed amendments to R313-19-100 can be found on page 43 of the Board Meeting Package dated September 8, 2022. Updated to Bulletin 2022-18, September 15, 2022 (c) activities of the Board that may be of significant public interest and the Board invites the Director to comment publicly on those proposed activities. The public comment period opened on July 2, 2016 and ended on July 31, 2016. – Final adoption of amendments to Rules R315-15, Rules on the management of waste oils. (Council action item);. Approval of the establishment of formal rules and public comments on a proposed amendment to Rule R313-37, Physical Protection of Category 1 and 2 Radioactive Material to incorporate federal regulatory amendments adopted by the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission. (Council action item); 3. The public notice shall allow at least 30 days for public comment. 5. Public notice shall be given by one or more of the following methods: Adopted by Utah State Bulletin Number 2015-8, effective 29.06.2015 (b) publication on the Department of Waste and Radiation Protection Management website, or (H) subject to approval of remediation, decontamination or decommissioning plans; (3) Replacing references to the following rules: The proposed amendments, Among other things, change the word “variance” in several sections of the rule to “excluded”. (a) publication in a newspaper of wide circulation in the area covered by the proposed measure; For further clarification, EnergySolutions` letter reads as follows: NOTE: References to titles, chapters, parts, sections, and subsections refer to the Utah Administrative Code. References to the CFR refer to the Code of Federal Regulations. References to R313 refer to Utah`s radiation control rules. 2. The Director may decide to publish licensing measures other than those referred to in subparagraph R313-17-2(1)(a)(i) for all classes of licences referred to in section R313-70-7 and to take the opportunity to make observations. – proposed agreement and approval between the Board of Directors and EnergySolutions, LLC.
(information item only); (`) A licensing matter that the Director considers to be of significant public interest. 4. The public notice may describe more than one measure listed in subsection R313-17-2 (1) and may combine the announcement of a public hearing with the notice of the proposed measure. (g) a reduction in environmental monitoring or sampling frequency. For the purposes of Regulation R313-37, 10 CFR 37.5, 37.11(c), 37.21 through 37.43(d)(8), 37.45 through 37.103 and Appendix A of 10 CFR 37 (2020) are incorporated by reference with the following clarifications or exceptions:.